Saturday, October 30, 2010

Testing my handyman skills?

We adoptive parents go through a lot "hoops" to prove we can be suitable parents. Rightly so. I can’t imagine the amount of faith the birthmother will place in us to take good care of the life she is entrusting to us. All of the requirements make a lot of sense. Two stuck out to me as kind of funny. Fire extinguishers and smoke detectors. Yep. Our townhome must have a fire extinguisher and smoke detector on each level before Dr. Heller can sign off that we’re ready to receive a baby. Now I know this improves the safety level of our home, but as I was working on this beautiful fall day to install the smoke detectors, I wondered if there was a funny hidden agenda behind this task. I chuckled thinking maybe the “powers that be” wanted to test my handyman skills. Now, I have participated in several home remodeling projects in my life, and so I know that installing a smoke detector is near the bottom of the list when it comes to needed handyman skills. However, I’m sure there are some guys out there who start sweating at the thought of picking up a drill, a level (anal retentive much?), and a hammer to install a smoke detector. Maybe this task is there to separate some of us? Maybe I’m just being a bit silly. Our house is now prepared to alert us of impending danger due to fire. Should any of those alarms go off, I’ll have one of our three new fire extinguishers ready. Should the time ever come, I’ll have to draw from a fireman hidden deep within me. Let’s just say, no fire stands a chance!

1 comment:

  1. Fires don't stand a chance...and neither do dishes cooking in our oven or noodles boiling on the stove!! ;)
