Sunday, December 12, 2010

Mother Nature

Great news! The US Postal Service came through and our background checks were delivered Thursday afternoon...just in time! We were Iowa-bound AND our home study would be complete! Saturday, December 11th was our scheduled trip and we were very excited! I told Carlie that every step we took like this one, felt like one step away from the "yuckiness" of this past year. Each step closer to our Red Fisch, was one step away from the losses we've experienced. This trip felt like a BIG step.

The Missouri state government cooperated, but Mother Nature did not. On Thursday, Brenda (our adoption agent from Abby's One True Gift) emailed me and told me that she thought we needed to reschedule our trip to Waukee. She told me that they are predicting strong winds, ice, and snow for the whole state of Iowa and she felt that it wasn't safe for her to travel her 80 mile round trip to the office. We were very disappointed but also understood. Carlie luckily had the day off on Friday and he would take care of mailing the application. We may not be able to travel to Iowa to complete the application process, but we wouldn't let the snow storm hinder this final step.

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