We're making some progress now! Today (12/10/10) I mailed the application to Abby's One True Gift! Katie and I were supposed to drive to Iowa this weekend to hand in our application in person. However, it has been forecasted that Mother Nature might pull a fast one on us and send Iowa a snow storm. We, along with Brenda (our Adoption Agent from Abby's One True Gift) decided it just wasn't worth risking the trip this weekend. So we did the next best thing and put the application and notarized copy of our homestudy in the capable hands of FedEx! They are more reliable drivers in the snow than I am.
I started my day sleeping in. I took today off to Christmas shop for Katie. I have to take a vacation day every year so I can adequately purchase and HIDE said gift(s). You'll learn, RedFisch...she likes to hunt for her gifts. Booo. :) As you probably just read, Katie and I experienced a miracle and got our state background checks in the mail just yesterday (12/11/10). So before I could go to any store, I was sent with the background checks to Doctor Heller's office. My only other instruction from Katie was that I text her statuses of my progress at every turn. She had to work today which meant she couldn't participate. Texts and pictures of the day's events would have to suffice. When I arrived at Dr. Heller's office, I handed them the documents, and Christina handed me the three notarized copies of the Home Study. They were already ready because we had previously worked out those details with Dr. Heller in preparation for our previously-planned trip to Iowa. Next stop - FedEx Kinkos! I had the home study documents bound with covers, and copies made of the application for us. We also had to send a picture of ourselves to Abby's One True Gift. Katie picked out a really good one of us (minus some scary red eyes) from our honeymoon to send. Prior to sending I fixed the red eyes! After that I placed all the required documents in a FedEx envelope, took a pic for Katie and sent it on its way to Iowa. Now we just wait I guess. I guess its only a matter of time before we start getting calls about a match. I hope its sooner than later!!
Know that we are all waiting in anticipation with you. All our hearts are ready to meet RedFisch. Especially me. Well, after you guys, especially me.
ReplyDeleteI just got home from the school and sat down with a big Diet Coke and read through all of your blogs. I think I had tears streaming down my face three...no four times! I'm so thrilled for you both! We will pray daily for you as you navigate your way through this journey to find your little RedFisch....