Friday, July 29, 2011

It's a boy!

I'm sure you read that title and thought....we already know that! But I can't tell you the number of times in one day that I think to myself "It's a boy!"  What in the world am I going to do with a boy?!?!?! I can honestly admit that I NEVER picture our RedFisch to be a boy!! Everyone tells me you'll figure it out! and boys are so much easier than girls!  But don't they understand that I AM a girl so I feel like I understood how to be a mom to a little girl.  I know how to fix a girl's hair, I know how to dress a little girl, I know about hurt feelings and fights between little girls, and let's face it....I know about ALL the important parts of a little girl....not a boy! I've never been into sports, I hate hunting, getting dirty and sweaty is not my cup of tea, and I can't help but wander towards the baby girl's clothes EVERY time I go shopping!

I have a good friend who has a son. He is her oldest and sounds like such a cool kid. She tells me stories of his fishing trips and sports games. She talks about how he does in school and uncomfortable stories of being a mother to a son...stories she wouldn't give up for the world. (If you are reading this, Friend, you know who you are!) This young man is a mama's boy and he is wrapped around his Mama's finger. You can see if on her face when she talks about him! I guess that as I think about sticky little hands, hunting trips with dad or grandpa, short hair and parts I'm not so familiar with I will think about my friend and her son. I will hope that someday my son and I will have that same kind of relationship. 

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