Friday, October 15, 2010

And so it begins...

When I [Carlie] think about my family, I envision a family of four. Several years from now, my family will be driving around town in our vehicles. I can’t say where we’ll be going or where we’ll be coming from. I have this vision though that family and friends will recognize us as we drive by when they see our license plates. Mine - OneFish. Katie’s - TwoFish. Our children’s will read RedFish and BluFish. Of course, I had to be a bit creative to limit the idea to seven characters so they would fit on a license plate. In a perfect world, it would be RedFisch, BlueFisch, etc. It is my thought that our personalized license plates, inspired by Dr. Seuss and our surname, would tie us together as a family that enjoys life like only Dr. Seuss could.
Katie and I are now two years into our marriage and we are patiently waiting for RedFish, our first child. We are currently in the beginning stages of the adoption process. We look forward to meeting RedFish. This blog will document our story.

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